Monday, September 3, 2012

Bermuda Food

The photos of the food that we ate in Bermuda are spread out over several phones and cameras, so this is not a complete photo-shoot and updates may come later.

Prior to travelling to Bermuda Cary and I both read that we should expect mediocre food, like one would expect to find in England.  We did not find this to be the case, the food was very good.  FIsh and chips was the staple.  This is the closest that I would get to England in a while and figured this should be pretty close to what I would get there.  I tasted good, the fried portion generally helps everything taste good.  Not much different than a serving one could get in the United States.  I think I had this meal three times in Bermuda, each one was pleasant and filled me up.

The picture above is of a T Bone served at the restaurant Blu.  Cary had the filet.  This was by far the best meal we had on the island.  Blu was on a posh resort with what looked to be a very nice golf club, the food was very expensive and the wait staff was average.  The steak was mouth watering good.

In the hotel we stayed at there were several restauarnts.  The neatest of which was a nautical themed place called "something."  They had an excellent sellection of seafod, expensively priced.  Cary had "unknown" and I had "fish"  My fish was only OK and Cary's was great.
The experience Cary and I had while in Bermuda was excellent.  One need not worry about the blandness of the food.  The only real bad experience we had was by the swimming pool when we ordered a vegetable wrap.  It wasn't that good and screaming kids will ruin any experience.

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